Parents, Stay positive!

Parents all over the world face the same kinds of situations. Toddler tantrums. Fighting at home or school. A child who won’t go to bed. A child who never seems to listen. The good news is our strategies can help. Visit our website for parents to access Triple P support.

Triple P is a parenting programme that helps make raising kids easier. It gives you tips to help you deal with the big and small problems of family life. Triple P is offered as group course, in private sessions & seminars. You can even do a course online. You choose what is best for you.

Triple P positive parenting helps you:

  • Raise happy, confident kids
  • Manage child behaviour so everyone enjoys life more
  • Set family routines and rules that everyone follows
  • Get along well with your children and argue less
  • Balance work and family with less stress

Small changes, big differences

Triple P doesn’t tell you how to be a parent. It gives you a range of simple ideas. You choose the ones you want to use with your family. You will be surprised how quickly you will see results!

Will Triple P work for you?

Triple P works! Research from around the world shows Triple P can help most families. In fact, Triple P has already helped more than 4 million children and their families.

How can you get Triple P?

Triple P is available to any parent. Some parents may even find Triple P parenting support offered in their local community. Visit our website for parents to get more information about the support options that are available to you.

Proven parenting strategies, that get results: